Yesterday, Thursday, March 10, I woke up without any Internet via Wi-Fi. It’s surprising that it lasted so long. It looks like no Internet service provider is working at this time. Everything is now cellular.

I walked through the city — it was an absolutely gorgeous day, without a cloud in the sky — and took a short video on the Klochkivsky Descent, right by the entrance to the zoo. Some people have been claiming that I am not in Kharkiv, which really got under my skin, which is why I recorded this video. I can’t upload it right now, however, because of limited bandwidth.

I also took a video of the destruction in Maidan Square in Kharkov. Early in the war, an alleged rocket destroyed the building facing the Square, a courthouse with no military value. It was claimed to be a Russian strike, and it was used for public relations purposes by the Zelensky regime. Video was shown around the world of this destruction. I have always had a lot of questions about that video. Because you can actually see the rocket on the video from CCTV footage. To see motion in any visual media, you need at least two frames to show the object. The first frame introduces the object, the second frame shows the distance that the object has traveled. But CCTV footage is usually shot at 15 frames per second at best, because it makes no sense to shoot it at a higher frame rate in terms of memory storage. So to actually see at least two frames of an incoming rocket, as you can in that footage, it would have to be the slowest rocket ever launched. And if the frame rate is higher, then the question becomes, why was a high frame rate CCTV camera pointed at the façade of a static courthouse building where nothing ever happens? It could not have been a traffic camera, because from the angle of the image, you cannot see if someone is going through a red light. And why was it in color? Because when CCTV cameras record fixed locations, they most often record in black-and-white, because of the lower memory storage requirements and because of cost.

I cannot be as forthright as I would like to be here, because I know this will be used to silence me altogether. But these are the reasonable questions that arose in me when I saw that footage. So I went to see the location. I recorded a very short video there, which I will also upload at some future date when I have more bandwidth.

Anyway, I want to tell you, my Patreon supporters, that I am very aware of my obligations to you. But as you can see, things are very dicey. But hopefully this will be over by the end of March. To tell you the truth, I can’t wait to do all those make up videos and Webinars, because it will mean that life has gone back to normal!

Best, CRP